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Booker’s Head to Head - Little Book Chapter 1 through 4

Updated: Jul 4, 2021

Booker's Little Book Chapter 01 "The Easy"

Company on Label: James B. Beam

Whiskey Type: Blended Whiskey

Mash Bill Percentages: Undisclosed Blend

Proof: 128.2°

Age: 4 (Blend of 4 year old bourbon, 6 year old rye + malt whiskeys, and 13 year old corn whiskey)

Further identification: 2017 Release

Booker's Little Book Chapter 02 "Noe Simple Task"

Company on Label: James B. Beam

Whiskey Type: Blended Whiskey

Mash Bill Percentages: Undisclosed

Proof: 118.8°

Age: 8 (Blend of 8 year Kentucky rye, 13 year Canadian Rye and 40 year Canadian corn whiskey)

Further identification: 2018 Release

Booker's Little Book Chapter 03 "The Road Home"

Company on Label: James B. Beam

Whiskey Type: Blended Bourbon

Mash Bill Percentages: Blend of several mash bills (77% Corn, 13% Rye, 10% Malted Barley & 63% Corn, 27% Rye, and 10% Malted Barley)

Proof: 122.6°

Age: 9 (Blend of 9 year, 11 year and 12 year bourbons)

Further identification: 2019 Release

Booker's Little Book Chapter 04 "Lessons Honored"

Company on Label: James B. Beam

Whiskey Type: Blended Whiskey

Mash Bill Percentages: Undisclosed

Proof: 122.8°

Age: 4 (Blend of 4 year Kentucky brown rice bourbon, 7 year bourbon, and 8 year Kentucky rye)

Further identification: 2020 Release


Chapter 1 Review:

Strikes me similarly to the start of Michter's 10 year. Rich oak says old but refined. Nose is really balanced though, falling almost too bland. Peanut, shiny metallics, and an overly buttery/rich mouth coating that lingers. Really tastes like it should be a regular Booker’s batch.

Chapter 2 Review:

Lightest! Dusty oak, citrus/Pinesol note I love, chocolate and sweet fruit like strawberry cereal on nose. Rich full proof mouth coating with no burn. Marshmallow sweet creamy char. YUM!

So good I went for a second glass of this; second pour: Vanilla, spice and fruit immediately on nose. Deep, rich citrus nestled into a strong oak. Floral first, then caramel. Thinner, but rye spice packs a pretty mean jab into you but that fades into a nice, creamy cherry finish. Pepper and floral notes linger long. A little too spicy at times is my only complaint.

Chapter 3 Review:

Light caramel, graham cracker (no, ginger bread!), slight cherry nose. Pepper. Way better mouth feel than nose. Cherry cola, spice, butter, creamy caramel. Rich stinging finish! Feels like something that would be a really nice "in the woods" drink to me for some reason.

Chapter 4 Review:

Clean, citrus; high proof, summer grass with old oak. Smells like a farmhouse beer hall. Instant THICK mouth coating w/ cherry & caramel. Ginger bread and pepper. Thinner like a Weller Special Reserve. Nice.


Final Ranking: Chapter 2 > Chapter 3 > Chapter 4 > Chapter 1


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