I had tasted this a few times in some pretty heavy hitting rye blind flights and it never rose to the top. This time I gave it a chance to shine on it own in a neat pour against a fresh palate. Let's see how it tastes!
Company on Label: Old Fashioned Copper (Buffalo Trace)
Whiskey Type: Straight Rye Whiskey
Mash Bill Percentages: Buffalo Trace High Rye Mash Bill
Proof: 100°
Age: NAS (4+ years)
Further identification: 2020 purchase
Sweet fruit nose. Delicious candy scents. Willett-esque profile in the citrus/wood department. Yummy medicinal cherry, creamy palate. Sinking finish stays in back of mouth; nice coating. Oak nose. Floral/herbal, creamy citrus. Immensely long wave of fruit finish across tongue. Empty glass highlights a smell like opening a humidor; like putting a fresh unlit cigar right up to your nose.
Really interesting pour!